In collaboration with Indra and with the participation of the DGAM and the main companies involved in the NGWS / FCAS project: Airbus, ITP Aero, SATNUS (GMV, SENER, Tecnobit), we organized the event “NGWS / FCAS: Global presentation of the largest project European Defense of the 21st Century “with a first-rate panel.
Together with the participants we have been able to enjoy a complete vision of the NGWS / FCAS project from an industrial perspective and learn in detail the lines of technological development according to 6 leading pillars: Next Generation Fighter, Engine, Remote Carriers, Combat Cloud, Sensors and Enhanced Low Observability Technologies.
This large-scale project is undoubtedly of the utmost interest to our Andalusian supply chain. We appreciate the presence of the more than 150 attendees to the event.