Press release – Europa Press
The general director of the Andalusia Aerospace Cluster has claimed the Andalusian industry as “perfectly capable of developing ‘New Space’ products and that therefore faces the great challenge of positioning ourselves to remain at the forefront in Europe”. In this sense, he has considered essential “the Ceus project, in Huelva, since it would be a unique European center for development and research with unmanned systems”.
This was expressed during one of the round tables scheduled in the second edition of the Space & Industrial Economy 5.0 Virtual Summit held this Thursday in Seville.
The president of Hispasat, Jordi Hereu, has opted for the development of rural broadband to offer a universal digital connectivity service throughout the country and recover population in emptied Spain. “This is a project with which we will be able to advance in that line. In fact, we already have the infrastructure to offer the 100mb connectivity that was set by the 2025 agenda.”
After implementing the model in Spain, Hereu hopes to be able to export it to the American continent, “where we will be able to continue developing this instrument of prosperity and equality between territories and people, since the satellite is the great instrument for universal digitization”, Hereu stated, who has also detailed other ongoing Hispasat initiatives. “We are developing the ‘Space QR’ project aimed at building a European secure communications system through quantum technology.”
“In parallel, we are building a new generation satellite destined for Latin America – ‘Amazonas Nexus’ -, in which we try to maximize the return for the Spanish industry from large innovation projects,” he added.
After Hereu’s intervention, the round table ‘Development, Internationalization and New Markets for the niche industry, such as aerospace, took place. A future in expansion ‘, where Mariluz de Mateo, Enaire’s Director of Business Development; Jaume Sanpera, CEO of Sateliot; Juan Román, general director of the Andalusia Aerospace Cluster; Joaquín Rodríguez, general director of the Advanced Center for Aerospace Technologies (Catec) and Antonio Ramírez, vice president of the Seville Metal Entrepreneurs Federation (Fedeme) and CEO of Inespasa and UMI Aeronáutica.
Juan Román has also warned that “the SME segment must be helped to face the challenges of digitization, industry 4.0 and decarbonization, which are going to mark the aviation of the future. For this, a national plan that also includes training is needed. FP now has obsolete centers and they must be renewed to generate qualified employment “. Regarding the figures for the sector, he recalled that Andalusia has “more than 140 aerospace companies, especially in the provinces of Seville and Cádiz. They have a turnover of 2,500 million euros a year and create more than 12,000 direct jobs.”
See the full Europa Press press release here