NGWS/FCAS: Global presentation of the largest European Defense project of the 21st century

In collaboration with Indra and with the participation of the DGAM and the main companies involved in the NGWS / FCAS project: Airbus, ITP Aero, SATNUS (GMV, SENER, Tecnobit), we organized the event “NGWS / FCAS: Global presentation of the largest project European Defense of the 21st Century “with a first-rate panel.

Together with the participants we have been able to enjoy a complete vision of the NGWS / FCAS project from an industrial perspective and learn in detail the lines of technological development according to 6 leading pillars: Next Generation Fighter, Engine, Remote Carriers, Combat Cloud, Sensors and Enhanced Low Observability Technologies.

This large-scale project is undoubtedly of the utmost interest to our Andalusian supply chain. We appreciate the presence of the more than 150 attendees to the event.

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