Miguel Ángel Tamarit Almagro, Vice President of Pegasus Aero Group, receives the “Aerospace Executive 2023” award from Andalucía Aerospace

Miguel Ángel Tamarit Almagro, Vice President of Pegasus Aero Group, receives the “Aerospace Executive 2023” award from Andalucía Aerospace

Andalucía Aerospace holds its General Assembly of members on the campus of the CEU Fernando III University

General Planells, deputy to the Director General of Armament and Material (DGAM), gave a lecture on the challenges of the defence industry in Spain

The Andalucía Aerospace cluster reaches its seventh year of activity in the Andalusian aerospace sector with a significant increase in the number of members and great challenges for 2024.

Meeting at the General Assembly on the campus of the CEU Fernando III University, the president Antonio Gómez-Guillamón, thanked the new University for hosting the cluster in its magnificent facilities to hold this Assembly, as well as the commitment to work together to bring the university world closer to the aerospace industry, after the agreement signed to incorporate CEU as a collaborating partner of the Andalusian cluster.

During the Assembly, the budgets of the association for 2024 were approved and the action plan of the cluster for this new year was presented, which will be very focused on continuing to give visibility to the companies in the sector, seeking to diversify business opportunities for them, increasing the international presence of the Andalusian aerospace sector and developing new innovation and technological projects.

There was an express mention of the need to promote the Andalusian Aerospace Strategy 2020-2027 as a necessary tool for the development of the sector, which has yet to be developed in its most relevant projects.

In the space sector, the cluster has offered to work closely with the new Spanish Space Agency and was pleased that the Andalusat project, the cluster’s initiative to build a 100% Andalusian satellite, can go ahead with the commitment of funding from the Junta de Andalucía.

In his report, Juan Román, the cluster’s director, stressed that the cluster continues to grow in number of members and that it now has 95 member companies. The incorporation of eleven new aerospace companies to the cluster in 2023 was ratified, companies with very diverse capabilities and which reflect the strength of the Andalusian sector to cover all the needs of the aerospace industry.

Andalucía Aerospace’s interest in a growing collaboration with Universities was also highlighted, hence the relevance of the agreement reached with the CEU Fernando III University.

In the field of innovation, three new projects led by the cluster have been approved: Imagina, Analysis Phase II and Impulse Phase III, involving 9 companies in the sector. The projects are co-financed by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism. On the other hand, the cluster has participated in several European projects such as Prestigious, ASSETs+ and Aeris+.

During the Assembly, there was also time to recall the celebration of the ADM (Aerospace and Defence Meeting) to be held in Seville from 14 to 16 May 2024. All companies were encouraged to participate, as this is the most important event of its kind to be held in Spain.

The event included the important conference on “Challenges of the Defence Industry”, given by General Planells, Deputy Director General of Armament and Material (DGAM) of the Ministry of Defence. General Planells explained the functions and responsibilities of the DGAM. At the same time, he gave an overview of the priority projects in which they are currently involved and which affect the aerospace sector. Finally, he also explained what could be the opportunities for industrial companies working in defence, recognising that we were at a time when there was a greater awareness of the need to invest in national security and defence.


Finally, the businessman Miguel Ángel Tamarit Almagro, Vice President of Pegasus Aero Group, received the “Andalusian Aerospace Executive 2023” award from the Andalucia Aerospace cluster. The award was presented by the president of the cluster, Antonio Gómez-Guillamón and the president of CEA, Javier Gonzalez de Lara.

The cluster has recognised Miguel Ángel Tamarit Almagro for his intense activity in 2023 to promote and dignify the aerospace sector and the Defence sector in general. From his corporate headquarters in Palma del Río (Córdoba), Tamarit Almagro has promoted business unity to face all the important requirements that the future Army Logistics Base in Córdoba will entail. His participation in different associative forums has demonstrated his interest and generosity in collaborating to develop the aerospace sector, beyond his particular interests in his company Pegasus Aero Group, where he is vice-president.

Pegasus Aero Group has become a leader in aerial services and helicopter emergencies, with a major international expansion. It has also created an aeronautical training school in Palma del Río. It now has more than 110 aircraft, has a turnover of more than 90 million and employs more than 600 people.

The event ended with a speech by Javier González de Lara, president of the Andalusian Confederation of Employers (CEA), who encouraged everyone to continue building an Andalusian aerospace sector that is more united, stronger and committed to the great challenges of sustainability and technological development. He stressed the importance of a cluster such as Andalucía Aerospace as a necessary instrument to achieve these major objectives and the full collaboration of CEA in total harmony with the work being done by the cluster.

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