Press release:
The agreement has been signed by Mr. Juan Román Gallego, Managing Director of Andalucía Aerospace Cluster Empresarial and Elisa Celia González Ferreiro, Director of the Aerospace Legal Observatory and president of AEDAE (Spanish Association of Aeronautical and Space Law)
The Aerospace Legal Observatory was born as a result of the collaboration agreement between AEDAE (Spanish Association of Aeronautical and Space Law) and the GIESA-BIOLAW Research Group of the Complutense University of Madrid, in order to establish an adequate legal and institutional framework to promote the holding informative and educational activities of a scientific, technical and research nature, in matters of common interest.
The purpose of the Observatory is focused on the study, dissemination and advice of the issues of Aeronautical Law and Space Law and of the disciplines that may be derived or are tangential from them. Regarding the informative activity, it will carry out several lines of work, including congresses, conferences, seminars, working groups and publications.
Participation in this Observatory will allow the Cluster to maintain direct contact with the rest of the members, have first-hand information on all issues related to the important aerospace legal field and collaborate in the dissemination and development of activities, providing access to the aerospace industry in Spain, market trends and highly innovative projects.