Cielo con nubes



C. Astronomía, s/n, Torre 5, Planta 9, Módulos 9, 10 y 11, Norte, 41015 Sevilla



EQA is an international certification, inspection and verification entity with more than 26 years of experience.

We have business lines in R&D&I, Management Systems, Next Generation Funds, Climate Change and Circular Economy, Energy, Corporate Social Responsibility, Compliance, Sustainable Finance and Information Security, among others. This makes us a benchmark in the verification and certification of ESG standards.

Most of our services are accredited by ENAC (Spanish Accreditation Entity).



EQA’s main services are:
Systems management certification, highlighting: EN 9100, EN 9120, PECAL, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, UNE 166002, etc.
R&D Certification: Certification of R&D projects in accordance with RD 1432/2003 and certification of research personnel in accordance with RD 475 of 2014 modified by RDL 1/2023 of 10 January.
Climate Change and Circular Economy: Carbon Footprint, Water Footprint, Zero Waste, Circular Target, etc.
ICT Certification: ISO 27001, ENS, etc.
CSR: Verification of Non-Financial Information, Sustainability Reports, SDGs, etc.
Compliance: UNE 19601, ISO 37001 and ISO 37301, etc.
Next Generation Trust: Certification of NextGen projects, DNSH, etc.
Energy: ISO 50001, Energy Saving Certificates (CAE).
Sustainable Finance: Green Bonds, SPO, Impact Verifications, etc.