The main objective of the DIGISOLAR project (“NEW ASYNCHRONOUS DIGITAL SOLAR SENSOR FOR NEWSPACE APPLICATIONS WITH EVENT-BASED ARCHITECTURE”) is to develop a functional prototype of a digital solar sensor, investigating a novel asynchronous data reading technique with a sensor architecture event based.
The validation of this architecture will allow the implementation of digital solar sensors with characteristics superior to the state of the art, highlighting the low energy consumption, the high speed of operation and the simplification of interfaces. Likewise, as technical objectives of the project, it will be pursued to achieve total immunity to albedo, high precision, wide field of vision, small size, low price and robustness against radiation.
Project supported by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.
- Andalucía Aerospace Clúster.
- Solar MEMS Technologies.
- ALTER Technology.
- Universidad de Sevilla – Instituto de Microeléctrónica de Sevilla.
- Simetrycal.